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Orvis Guide to Fly Fishing

The Orvis Guide to Fly Fishing is fantastic tuition based series introducing the fundamentals of fly fishing for all kinds of species, in all kinds of waters. Its purpose is simple: to demystify fly fishing, make it fun and clearly demonstrate it is both accessible and affordable to anglers. Author and Orvis pro, Tom Rosenbauer hosts the series and provides in depth instruction on numerous different fly fishing situations in both fresh and saltwater. The series sees Tom visit some stunning fly fishing locations across the USA meeting up with local guides and experts and fishing some magnificent water. As well as traditional fly caught species like trout and salmon, Tom also shows us how to fish for species like Bass, Pike, Musky and Carp. 2 saltwater episodes show how us how to fish for shallow water species like bonefish and bigger offshore species like Dorado and Tuna. Each episode gives a great rundown on the gear and tackle you'll need for each situation and is full of handy tips to get the most out of each trip. Orvis Casting Instructor, Pete Kutzer provides some excellent casting tutorials introducing every kind of cast you'll need. The Orvis Guide to Fly Fishing  is excellent for beginners and novices but there's  plenty too for the more experienced fly angler to enjoy and learn from.

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In this first episode, Orvis guide, Tom Rosenbauer introduces the basics of fly fishing. From the origins of fly fishing to how inexpensive it is to get started, this video is a fantastic introduction for anyone deciding to give fly fly fishing a try. After discussing the basic tackle you'll need, Tom shows us some simple knots such as the Clinch Knot and Surgeons Knot that will allow you to set up your leader and attach a fly. Tom explains the Rod/Line Weight system which allows rods to be matched to the perfect line weight, ranging from 1 to 12, with 1 being the lightest and 12 the heaviest and details the kind of rods and lines you'll need for targetting different species in different environments. Orvis casting instructor, Pete Kutzer then demonstrates the fundamentals of fly casting with a single handed rod showing us the correct grip you need before learning the most commonly used cast, the Overhead Cast. Pete then shows us the Roll Cast, particularly useful when you have a restricted back cast, before discussing handling and shooting line. This episode is absolutely perfect for beginners to learn the basics of fly fishing. To watch, just login or register
Widespread in nearly every state, Bass are indisputably the number one sport fish in America, and can be readily caught on the fly. First we meet Dr David Phillip, a bass expert who explains the main differences between Smallmout and Largemouth Bass, and the habitats they inhabit at various times of year. Tom then shows us some of the streamers and poppers that can be used to target these fish before discussing the best all round bass outfit. Finding the right kind of structure and water features in rivers and lakes is crucial to locate bass, which like to use cover to ambush their prey so Tom shows us a wide selection of likely bass haunts. Bass love Crayfish and Tom shows how to fish Crayfish lures effectively and some of the killer patterns you'll need. Bass flies can be quite big and difficuly to cast in windy conditions, so casting instructor Pete Kutzer demonstrates how deal effectively with wind. Finally, Tom demonstrates several retrieves that you'll need to accurately imitate the various prey items that bass feed on. Catching bass on the fly is great fun and this video sets you on the right path to get started. To watch, just login or register
A huge part of a trout's diet comes from subsurface food items so in this episode Tom Rosenbauer covers the basics of using wet flies and nymphs to imitate this feeding behaviour. Wet fly fishing has been around for centuries and is typically most effective in fast shallow water. As Tom demonstrates, it allows the angler to cover a lot of water, swinging the fly across the current downstream on a tight line which usually results in solid hookups. Mending the line is also crucial enabling the angler to control the speed of the fly as it passes over fish.  Pete Kutzer then shows us some casting techniques to help throw leaders with strike indicators or heavier flies to avoid tangles and hitting the rod. Next up, its nymphs which offer the angler the opportunity to catch fish in all conditions as trout will rarely refuse a well presented nymph. Tom first discusses presentation and getting a drag free drift before moving on to bite detection which can be tricky without the use of strike indicators. Tom discusses the advantages of short line nymphing and high sticking and then shows us some techniques to keep the indicator working well when long line nymphing. Finally Tom meets up with Molly Seminek in Montana and shows us to fish nymphs from a drift boat which is a deadly technique as the guide does a lot of the work by keeping the boat drifting at the same speed as the indicator. From fly selection to presentation options, Tom details all the essentials you need to get started with wet flies and nymphs. To watch, just login or register
Undertanding the dynamics of the currents on rivers and streams is critical to success when fly fishing on moving water. In this episode, host Tom Rosenbauer delves deeper into the essentials of moving water, where fish lie and how to best reach them. The current can be friend or enemy as it will naturally bring your fly to the fish but can also have a detrimental effect when it catches the fly line, enabling the fly to drag and look unnatural. Tom discusses the various upstream, cross stream and downstream casts you'll need and how best to avoid drag by mending the line. Tom shows us the Reach Cast which excels when fishing conflicting currents and enables an aerial mend to be placed in the line before it has started drifting downstream. Slack line casts such as the parachute or pile cast can also be useful when trying to get that drag free drift and Tom and casting instructor Pete Kutzer show how its done. Tom then discusses hooking and playing fish in fast water before ending the show by demonstrating us how to wade across rivers safely. To watch, just login or register
Fly fishing with Streamers is certainly one of the best ways to hunt for trophy trout in rivers and lakes. Imitating bait fish, leeches, crayfish and large stoneflies, streamers are an excellent searching pattern and will often attract the bigger and more agressive fish.  Tom talks us through the various patterns such as the infamous Wooly Bugger, Sculpins and Crayfish. If the river is coloured and fish aren't actively feeding on the surface, Streamers can be a great option because trout can use the extra water colour to ambush their prey and a brightly coloured streamer cast into the right areas will be easy to find. Tom shows us the various retrieves you can use and ways to fish the streamer both upstream and downstream such as swinging or dead drifting. Its important to cover lots of water when fishing streamers as not every fish in the river will go for them and this is exactly why they are particularly effective when fishing from drift boats as Tom demonstrates on the Yellowstone River to good effect. Finally, Pete Kutzer shows us how to perform a Double Haul Cast which can also be helpful when fly fishing with big flies like streamers. To watch, login or register    
For many,  dry fly fishing is the pinnacle of the sport when fishing for trout due to the visual nature of observing the fish rise to your imitation fly. As Tom explains, the best times to target fish on dry flies is during a hatch of aquatic flies or when terrestrials are prevalent on the surface but trout can be caught at any time on dries providing they are looking up. Having a good undertanding of rise forms and how a trout is feeding can often reveal what its actually feeding on and Tom discusses how observation is key before we start casting to rising fish. Tom shows a couple of tricks to help discover what insects the trout are feeding on before discussing fly selection and presentation. Drag is probably the number one reason a trout doesnt take a dry fly so Tom shows us some tactics to counter drag and get a good drift over a rising fish. Next up is casting instructor, Pete Kutzer who demonstrates the Curve Cast which can be useful in certain situations when fishing dries. Tom then shows how to use high visibility dry flies for prospecting when fish aren't rising which can be particularly effective in shallow riffles.  Tom visits the Gallatin River in Montana and puts all this into practice, prospecting with a dual dry fly set up using a Stimulator and Elk Hair Caddis. Finally Tom hooks with up with Dave Jensen in Alberta for some small spring creek fishing. To watch just login or register  
Catching a big Pike or Musky on a fly is considered by many to be the best experience you can enjoy when fishing. They are super aggressive and their strikes are always vicious and explosive. In this fascinating episode Tom Rosenbauer covers all the aspects you need to consider when targeting these predators. He covers their seasonal behaviour, where and when in a lake or river you can expect to find them. We join him on the lake in mid summer, when the pike have retreated into deep holes and drop offs, so he is using a sink tip line. He explains how important it is to select the right lure or fly in attempt to match the baitfish the pike are feeding on and how to try various retrieve techniques until you find the one that works best. Orvis casting instructor Pete Kutzer also demonstrates the Double Haul Cast, useful for covering large distances in windy conditions. Great episode with lots of action! To watch Pike & Musky on a Fly now, just login or register
In Stillwater Basics Fly Fishing we talk about the essentials of catching trout on lakes and ponds. Noted stillwater angler & author Phil Rowley hosts this fascinating episode in which he gives a comprehensive guide. Not all lakes are equal, one's that have shallow areas tend to be richer in a diverse range of foodstuff, enabling trout to grow to huge sizes, so choosing the right lake is most important. Once there, he explains how to use water temperature and visible or sunken features to locate the fish. That you must observe what they are eating and try to match it. Select the right rod and make sure that it is matched to your line, whether that is floating, intermediate or sinking and then that retrieving at the right pace with the right pattern is probably the most important thing when the water isn't moving. To watch Stillwater Basics Fly Fishing now, just login or register
The importance of reading the water for fly fishers cannot be stressed enough. Quite often it is impossible to see the fish if they aren't feeding off the surface. In this episode host Tom Rosenbauer is trout fishing, starting on a small, fast flowing river and points out the features and patterns in the water that give a clue as to where the fish might be. Trout like to hold up in slack water on the edge of a seam, where there is faster water flowing nearby. This brings food close enough for them to take easily, without expending too much energy. He shows where you can expect to find these hold up areas and how to cast, so that you optimise your chances of fooling the trout. Heads of pools, tails of pools, behind rocks and in front of rocks all seem to be likely spots. Orvis casting instructor Pete Kutzer demonstrates how to avoid the 5 most common casting mistakes, essential if you want to catch fish in fast flowing, tricky waters. To watch Reading the Water now, just login or register
In Fishing Close to Home host Tom Rosenbauer bebunks the myth that to enjoy great fly fishing you have to visit a remote mountain stream armed with a ton of specialist gear. He demonstrates that it's quite easy to find marvellous ponds, lakes and rivers near to where you live and that on these you can enjoy a fun day's fishing for a wide variety of species, equipped with only a basic fly rod and lightweight tackle. The marina at a local lake or the pond in the middle of a city park are good examples of very accessible places to go. And you don't have to be targeting Trout. Tom explains how the Carp, generally regarded with disdain by most anglers in the US, is rapidly becoming a must catch species for the discerning fly fisher, due to the challenge it offers being easily spooked, difficult to hook and very hard fighting. He offers plenty of tips on where to find and how best to hook them. To watch Fishing Close to Home now, just login or register
In Steelhead and Salmon host Tom Rosenbauer teaches the basics of fly fishing for these migratory species, generally regarded as the ultimate river trophy fish to catch on the fly. North America is home to a variety of large, migratory species. On the east coast it is predominantly the Atlantic Salmon but on the Pacific West coast, there are Coho, Chinook, Pink, Chum and Sockeye Salmon as well as the Steelhead which is a member of the trout family. All migrate at different times and require slightly different techniques, so provide a huge range of opportunities to the fly angler. Similar to river Trout these migratory species will hold up at various points along a river, but unlike Trout they are not feeding, they are just taking a break on their epic journey to their spawning grounds. Tom advises on how to find the fish, rod, reel, line and fly selection and casting strategy. And just to show how easy it is (if you're good) Orvis instructor Pete Kutzer shows 4 of the basic casts using a double handed Spey rod. To watch Steelhead & Salmon now, just login or register
In this episode, Tom introduces us to shallow saltwater fly fishing and explains exactly why its such an exciting way to fish with a fly rod. Renowned fly species like Bonefish, Redfish and Striped Bass love to move close inshore to feed on shrimp, crustaceans and bait fish and Tom shows you how to look for some telltale signs that fish are in the area. Fish move inshore on an incoming tide to feed and hang slightly further out on outgoing tide waiting for food items to be swept out so as Tom explains, focusing your fishing effort during these tide movements  is crucial for success. Tom talks through the tackle you'll need which is slightly beefier than you'd use in freshwater but you'll need a more powerful rod and heavier line to cast bigger flies and deal with windy conditions. Next up, Tom discusses how to stalk fish by learning how to spot them both above and below the water and then how to deliver the right cast at exactly the right time. A lot of shallow saltwater fly fishing is done from a flats boat and Tom discusses how to communicate with and work with a guide effectively. Casting instructor, Pete Kutzer then takes through some double haul casting tuition which is crucial for saltwater fly fishing to counter heavier winds, distance and big flies. Finally Tom shows us the importance of the strip strike which is key to getting hookups on shallow saltwater species. To watch just login or register
Offshore saltwater fly fishing can offer amazing sport and many anglers do not realize you can use a fly rod and flies to catch some of the most prized offshore species in saltwater. In this fascinating and educational episode, Tom teaches the essentials of fly fishing in deeper saltwater for a wide variety of species. We see how finding structure and features offshore is crucial to locating fish and how rips form, offering superb fish holding areas. Looking for sea birds hitting bait shoals on the surface can also give some clues as to where to focus. Tom also shows how he uses chum to bring fish like Tuna and Dorado closer to the boat and within casting range. In terms of tackle, its time to step up your gear to 9,10,11 and 12 weight rods as typically you'll be targetting bigger fish and wind is a constant factor offshore. A bigger large arbour reel is certainly required and Tom also shows us the kind of lines he prefers to use offshore. We then look at setting the hook with strip striking and Tom demonstrates how to fight big fish around the boat and how to deal with fish that go aerial. Finally, Orvis Casting Instructor, Pete Kutzer provides an great tutorial on casting big flies in windy conditions something that is par for the course when saltwater fly fishing offshore. To watch just login or register  


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Great Videos

15th August 2020

I haven’t even had a chance to view all the episodes but from what i have seen their is plenty to learn and these videos have helped answer many of my questions i have had. great for fisherman who hate bothering other people for answers lol.

Dan M

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