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The Fishing Cabin

As soon as you start watching the Fishing Cabin, you know that you're in for a different kind of fishing series. Presented by twin brothers, Asmundur and Gunnar Helgason, aka Asi and Gunni, the series follows them around the angling mecca that is Iceland and experiencing the best fishing the country has to offer. This largely involves fly fishing of course which is something that the pair are quite at home with, but there's a couple of sea fishing episodes too where the pair are quite obviously a little out of their depth but eager to learn. The main Icelandic fish species are all represented here including Atlantic Salmon, Brown Trout, Arctic Char, Cod and Saithe. You won't find too many in depth tips and tactics or tuition in this series, its much more about the love of fishing that these larger than life brothers have and the obvious enjoyment and fun they have in fishing together. The scenery, as you'd expect from anything in Iceland is breathtaking and there's plenty to enjoy from a fishing point of view too, but most of all just watching these two fishing together is more than enough to keep anyone entertained.

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Meet bubbly Icelandic twin brothers, Asi and Gunni as they kick off the first series of the Fishing Cabin from Iceland's biggest body of water, Lake Thingvellir. As they make their way to the lake, they see a sheep giving birth and stop to assist in the delivery of two strong lambs which they see as an omen for the upcoming series. Lake Thingvellir attracts anglers from all over the world as it holds monster Brown Trout, but before they start fishing they decide to meet up with Johannes, 'The Trout Whisperer', a fish biologist who gives them the lowdown on these fish and how they came to be here. As they start fishing, the brothers seem a bit bewildered by the lake's size and are starting to wonder if they will actually catch anything so Asi calls local guide Hoddi, to come and give them a hand. As Asi disappears with Hoddi for a new location equipped with some new fly patterns, Gunni has had enough and decides to try a completely new lake on his own, Lake Vifilstadavatn. But Asi is suddenly into a strong fish so Hoddi calls Gunni and gets him to come back to see the action, only for Gunni to get his car stuck in the sand! Will Asi land the monster Brown Trout and will his brother, Gunni get to witness to capture? Find out in the brilliant first episode of the Fishing Cabin. To watch just login or join now
In this episode, the brothers set off from the cabin on horseback and arrive on the black sands of Thykkvibaer Beach for some shore fishing. They're going to be fishing for Mudshark (Spiny Dogfish) and anything else that comes along, and have enlisted the help of local guide, Magnus Johansson. Asi is the first to strike, landing a small cod on his mackerel bait. A few minutes later and Asi's rod bends over again and this time, its the target species and a good sized Mudhsark of around 6 kilos is beached and despatched. Excited by his catch and keen to turn this fish into their evening feast, the brothers ask Chef Axel Bjorn Clausen to cook it up for them. After filetting the fish, Axel marinades it in Miso sauce before putting on the BBQ and topping with some choppped hazelnuts. Finished with a little grated horseradish, some micro salad leaves and radish, 5 star dining is brought to the field and the boys enjoy a magnificent dinner in the Icelandic evening. It looks sogood, ven the camera crew desert their positions and dive in for a taste of some Thykkvibaer Beach shark. To watch just login or join
Sitting some 570m above sea level in the Highlands of Iceland, Lake Frostastadavatn is the spectacular setting for this episode's fishing trip for Asi and Gunni. The lake is surrounded by lava fields and where they meet the lake, small coves and creeks have formed and its here that the boys start fly fishing for the plentiful Arctic Char the reside here. It isn't long at all before they are both hooked into fish and, the pot begins to fill for their evening meal. The fish here aren't big on the whole but they must be hungry as the pair land plenty of them in an eventful morning. Taking a well deserved break back at the cabin, Gunni suggests they try a different challenge and decide to visit the breathtaking Haifoss Waterfall on the Fossa River, the 4th highest waterfall in Iceland. After climbing down to the bottom, they decide to try fishing in the waterfall and amazingly both catch plump brown trout. Returning to Lake Frostastadavatn, they catch a few more char for the pot despite losing one to a mink thief, and then enjoy a beautiful fish supper in the evening Icelandic sunshine. To watch just login or join
Today the brothers are after Arctic Char in the Westfjords, and fishing on the beautiful River Hesta which flows into Onundarfjord. After visiting the tackle shop to stock up on flies,  they start fishing on the river and Gunni doesn't get off to a great start, hooking a bridge, losing his leader whilst retrieving his fly and generally just spooking the fish. They see some nice char here but unfortunately, this calamitous start has scared them off. On  the plus side, Gunni has miraculously found his lost leader material that he dropped from the bridge earlier. Deciding to rest the pool until later, they head upstream to a stunning waterfall but again find no fish. Returning to the fishing cabin for a break, they discuss the tactics they'll need to employ to have some success here. Recouperated and invigorated, they head back to the bridge pool and split up determined to get a char on the bank. All of a sudden Asi hooks up and a nervewracking fight ensues with a good sized fish circa 2.5lb,  that Gunni is keen to use for his latest char recipe. After landing the stunning char, they head to the shore of Onundarfjord and prepare a delicious char dinner. To watch, login or join
The brothers are fly fishing for Atlantic Salmon on the River Langa in the Myra district and its a river they are familiar with having fished here many times. After checking their salmon fly boxes, Gunni decides he's going to do something completely different and instead use his trout flies, specifically nymphs and streamers, to try and catch a fish. Before fishing however, they have a quick chat with river keeper Karl Ludviksson who recommends they use very small flies. They see plenty of fish in the river but they don't seem to be taking this afternoon after a chat in the cabin decide to move to a new location and a new river. The River Stadara is much smaller than the Langa but the boys are confident and in high spirits as they set out but after another poor session they decide to give up fishing today and pay a visit to a farmer who has some old rights to net fish on the river. Day 3 and they're on yet another river, this time its the River Haukadalsa that will host Asi and Gunni. And finally, late in the day Asi hooks a salmon on a small fly and lands a 55cm fish.  Now they've broken their duck, Gunni also hooks a salmon in the same pool and this one is big bigger  too. Its been a tough few days fishing but that's salmon fishing for you sometimes and they'reboth delighted to have some reward at the end of it. To watch just login or join
In the final episode of the Fishing Cabin, Asi and Gunni are in Bolungarvik in the North East of Iceland, to try their hand at some sea fishing. They start on the pier in Bolingarvik Harbour and as they arrive, a local angler called Karolina is pulling in a nice Cod. Karolina takes Gunn to the local bait shed and he gets a bagful for their day's fishing. Asi quickly catches a Cod followed by a Saithe and although they are having success, they decide on a little more adventure so head out in the fjord with Kayaks. Asi soon hooks into something rather big but after a long fight he passes the rod to Gunni who promptly loses the fish. Despite the frustrating loss, at least they know they are know they are in a good spot and before long they have both caugh plenty of Cod. They return to shore looking for Karolina who's Dad just happens to be a chef. He cooks them up a fantastic fish supper in his restaurant, as Karolina entertains them and the diners with some fine singing. What a way to end a highly enteratining first series of the Fishing Cabin! To watch just login or join


4.5 out of 5 stars (based on 4 reviews)
Very good0%

Such fun

1st June 2020

This is great fun. Cracking locations, great cinematography, genuinely funny people, and not pretentious at all. A good antidote to a Covid-induced fishing absence.



14th May 2020

Very interesting to see lovely Island.

Mikael Ingvarsson

GREAT fishing show

29th April 2020

Loved this show. The guys are great characters. Would love to see them take on challenges outside of Iceland. Similar to the Australian series “A River Somewhere” from the 90s.

Darren Stevenson

Amazing! Diverse and fun.

29th April 2020

What entertaining show 🙂 The fishing is unusually diverse and it is great fun to see all the different places and methods they visit and use. The different fish we see is also great – and they cook what they catch (for the most part) with some very interesting recipes. I enjoyed this very, very much 🙂 Recommend!

ElÍn Ragnarsdóttir

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