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Icelandic Tails

Icelandic Tails brings some of the best fly fishing around from the land of fire and ice. This 6 part series, produced and narrated by Eggert Skulason,  visits some of the best rivers in Iceland in search of Atlantic Salmon, Sea Trout, Arctic Char and Brown Trout. Featuring different anglers and guides in each episode, the series gives a real sense of how Icelandic anglers cherish this incredible fishing destination. Stunning scenery in remote locations from the people who know where the best spots are makes this series a must watch for keen fly anglers.

The series is presented in Icelandic with English subtitles

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Midfjardara is one of Iceland's most prolific salmon rivers and a great place to kick off the first series of Icelandic Tails. The Midfjardara is in the North of Iceland around 3hrs drive from Reykjavik has 3 main tributaries, the Austurá, Núpsá and Vesturá which in total make the system around 115km long. We join the river owner, Rafn Valur Alfreosson, otherwise known as Rabbi and head guide, Johann Birgirsson as they fly fish through some of the best pools on this stunning river, hooking and landing some fantastic salmon. Since Rabbi took over the river, he has focused on a catch and release policy and the results have been spectacular with average annual catches over 3000 fish with over 6000 caught in 2015! This episode is in Icelandic with English subtitles To watch this episode, just login or register now
Iceland is home to some fantastic Arctic Char fishing and in this episode Eggert and his friend, Baldur  head to a remote location near Hafralon in the North East. This part of Iceland is less travelled with few real roads so after a lot of offroading the guys finally arrive at the convergence of two stunning looking rivers. After quickly setting camp, they start fly fishing for the char with some excitement as they've heard rumours that big predatory char live here. The Arctic Char is a stunning looking fish with its pink spots, deep orange red belly and stunning white piping on its fins and its doubtful that any of the fish in this remote are have ever seen a fly before. Arctic Char in Iceland can reach quite large sizes and can also run to the sea providing the angler another fascinating challenge on their return. To watch this episode, just login or register now
The River Laxa in Dolum is another of Iceland's great salmon rivers. Boasting an average annual catch number of over 1000 salmon with just 4  rods available and a short season means action can be fast and furious here at times. The river is managed by the Hregnassi Angling Club and is situated in West Iceland just 2 hrs from Reykjavik. Eggert joins club marketing manager and guide, Haraldur Eiriksson, in late season, who shows us some of the best pools on the river which at this time of year are literally stuffed with salmon. This doesn't mean they are easy to catch though, having seen many flies and possibly been in the river for a few months, so as Halli explains, small sparse flies and delicate presentation are needed as well as the hope of a fresh fish or two arriving in the pool and seeing your fly. Laxa in Dolum is another reminder of what a fantastic country Iceland is for fly fishing and another reason to put it on your bucket list. To watch this episode, just login or register now
In this episode, we join a group of anglers fly fishing for brown trout on the River Kaldakvisl in the Highlands of Iceland. The river is relatively short, at around 12km but holds an excellent head of sizable char and big brown trout. Starting in the lower river the team encounter many nice char using small nymphs and sight indicator tactics before heading upstream in search of brown trout. The upper reaches only holds brown trout as the char cannot get here and the team switch to using streamers as the big brown trout here feed heavily on sticklebacks. Rightly renowned as a great destination for salmon fishing, this episode shows you can also find fantastic fly fishing for brown trout and char in Iceland too. To watch, just login or register 
The River Vividalsa is situated in North West Iceland some 200km from Reykavik. A stunning river, renowned for big salmon with an annual average catch of over 1200 fish. We join two experienced fly anglers on a 3 day trip in late August as they fish its length looking for big salmon over 100 cm which they refer to as 'ghosts'. The fish may have seen many flies at this time of year so it won't be easy but these two friends know all the best pools and lies so stand a good chance. Often the fish can be sight fished in this river but that doesn't necessarily make it any easier! Will the pair succeed in their quest to catch a trophy salmon on the majestic River Vividalsa? To watch this episode just login or register now
Its August and we start at the top of the River Sela with guide Denni and angler Gisli Asgeirsson. Taking it in turns to fish a pool and then hitch it, the anglers are soon into fish in the crystal clear river. Because of the water clarity here, the catch rate is as high as 70% for multi winter fish and 50% for grilse. Later in the day, the men split up and Gisli heads a short distance over to the River Vestadalsur which runs parallel to the Sela and into the sea at Vopnafjordur. He joins landowner, and Brtiain's richest man, Sir Jim Ratcliffe on the River Vestadalsur for an afternoon of high quality salmon fishing. Being the landowner has some distinct advantages as some pools haven't been fished all summer, dramatically increasing their chances of hooking up. After catching a few nice salmon, Sir Jim Ratcliffe has to get back to work and leaves his beloved River Vestadalsur so we rejoin Denni on the Sela who is also having a successful session and is now looking for bigger salmon. To watch this episode, login or register now


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