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Hooké – Series 2

In season two of Hooké, Charles Cloutier and Alexis Pageau travel the wilds of Canada enjoying the best fly fishing in the world. The show not only shows the potential for angling, but explores the native cultures, business owners and conservationists keeping the countries wilderness and its traditions alive. We join the best anglers and guides of the industry, dry fly fishing for Atlantic salmon on the Cascapédia river, battling prehistoric Sturgeon in the wilderness, stalking Trout in the rainforests of British Columbia, competing for Striped Bass on the coast and even hunting seals with the Inuits. The perfect series for any fly fisher who hopes to visit this incredible part of the world.
In this season 2 premiere, the Hooké crew live with an Inuit community in Kuujjuaq, Canada, fishing for Char, Trout and Salmon. The tiny village of Tasuijaq is one of the last surviving communities preserving Inuit culture. Alex Pageau and Charles Cloutier join local guide Billy Cain on a windy morning at the mouth of the Leaves River. They begin their angling catching smaller Trout and Char, casting flies between the waves before taking to the boat in pursuit of bigger specimens. After a brace of Gigantic Char, both men compete for an Atlantic Salmon to complete the grand slam of fish species. Across the bay, Billy goes spear hunting for seals to teach his son the traditions of the people.
In this episode of Hooké, Alexis Pageau and Charles Cloutier travel to remote Sweden to fish for big Baltic Salmon on the fly. The crew join local experienced anglers Lars Munk, Ted Logardt, Calle Lundqvist and friends to learn the unique methods of European Salmon fishing. Travelling up the big fish rivers, the Byske and Torne, the team emphasise mobility and the importance of searching for fish. Pushing deeper into the Arctic Circle, they visit a Swedish microbrewery to share recipes from across the Atlantic. After a change of tactics, Charles fly swings across the current and the line finally pulls tight.
In part two of their Swedish adventure, Hooké’s Charles Cloutier and Alexis Pageau fish the Lainio and Kalyx rivers for big Baltic Salmon. Also known for their specimen sized fish, these rivers are the perfect chance for Alexis to avenge his failure the week prior. The crew join Kristian Stridsman and Lars Munk fly tying and wild camping on the banks of the Laino. After some incredible fishing and a chance at redemption for Alexis, the boys visit local knifemaker Johan, learn casting from a world champion and join the Midsummer festival dance. Guided by Ronny Landin, the team end the trip with a bang on the Kalyx River.
Charles Cloutier and Alexis Pageau travel to Prince Rupert, Canada to fly fish for Coho Salmon, Halibut and Steelhead, in this episode of Hookè. The boys join Francois Blanchet aboard David Eng’s vessel Sunset Charters on the beautiful coast of northern British Columbia. Surrounded by feeding Eagles, gulls and Killer Whales, the anglers scan the water and cast at moving Salmon, a technique more commonly seen on the flats of the Bahamas. After battling with big Halibut, Francois leads the crew to the nearby Skeena where he knows the big Steelhead are moving.
Charles Cloutier and Alexis Pageau fly fish for giant Atlantic Salmon on the legendary rivers of Gaspésie, in this episode of Hooké. Widely considered home to the biggest Atlantic salmon, the Cascapédia River is steeped in history and privilege. Lodge owner Reynold Sexton tells tales of monsters before Charles and Alex push upstream in friendly competition for a first fish. On the pristine Matapédia River they take to the boat armed with a special fly from world class tyer André Bélaieff and learn the histories of guiding and celebrities in the region. Photographer Stu gets a chance to show up his angler colleagues when he attaches to the biggest Salmon of his life.
In this instalment of Hookè, a group of the best fly fisherman from around the world go chasing big Atlantic Salmon on the Hunt River in Labrador, Canada. At the invitation of Loop Tackle, Charles, Alexis and Fred join owner Chris Verbiski on his beautiful Hunt River Lodge. We learn from Chris and his team of conservationist scientists about the revitalisation of the river, the success story of its catch and release programme, and the significance of the Atlantic Salmon species. Moving up the shallow, clear pools, the anglers experiment with the exciting new technique of Salmon dry fly fishing in search of the bigger, more aggressive fish. The crew then fly across the mountains to a secluded lake bubbling with big, sea run Sea Trout.
In this episode of Hookè, Charles Cloutier and Alexis Pageau fly through British Columbia’s Pitt River valley in search of Big Bull Trout and Sturgeon. The crew join Dany Gerak at his eco lodge in the woods to begin floating the river with guide Felix Geisher. After some smaller fish and a surprise species, the crew hitch a ride on a passing helicopter and push deep into the Mountains. It’s here that the giant Bull Trout like to hunt, and when the opportunity arises, our anglers try their luck with surface flies. Back at the lodge, Dany is waiting with the chance of a lifetime, to fish for one of the world’s biggest freshwater fish!
In this episode of Hooké, Charles Cloutier and Alexis Pageau fly fish for Striped Bass across the coast of Canada’s Baie-des-Chaleurs. Casting big lures from the New Richmond beach, Charles, Alexis and JP hone their techniques in preparation for Bass fest. At the Carleton-sur-Mer festival we learn the importance and history of the species in the area, while the crew introduce the next generation of angler. The next day they head for Barachois, a popular bass feeding ground known for a phenomenon known as bait balls. The boys arrive to a feeding frenzy and finally get a chance at the big ones.
This episode of Hooke see’s Alexis Pageau and Charles Cloutier fly fishing for Atlantic Salmon on Nova Scotia’s Margaree River. After travelling down the beautiful Cabot Trail in their RV, the boys join guide Robert Chiasson on a clear, shallow Margaree. At a fork in the river, they cast small dry flies, tied that morning by local master tyer Alex Breckenridge, and strip them across the surface to induce an aggressive take. Downstream we join hatchery operator and conservationist Darryl Murrant to learn about the efforts to maintain the species. While the crew net a pool for fish to use in the hatchery, a surprising giant emerges from the depths.
Alexis Pageau and Charles Cloutier take a road trip to British Columbia in the episode of Hookè, fly fishing for Bull and Rainbow Trout on the rivers of Whistler. Set in the most stunning scenery on the planet, the Whistler area is a fisherman’s dream. After stocking up at the Michael and Young fly shop, we join local expert Logan Wilkins on the bank of the Squamish to learn about the unique ecosystem and the importance of wild salmon. Guided by Damien Bagnoud, Charles and Alex strip bright lures through the deep pockets of blue water on the Birkenhead River, searching for big, aggressive Bull Trout. When insects begin to hatch, both men tie on a dry fly and the river comes alive.
Charles Cloutier and Alexis Pageau travel to Newfoundland, Canada in search of the world’s biggest Salmon and Sea Trout, in this episode of Hooké. Founded on a culture of Cod fishing, the rivers of Newfoundland’s east coast are now internationally recognised fly fisheries. After a night of heavy drinking and ceremony, Alex and Charles join chefs Paul Templeton and Jeremy Charles on the Colinet River. These record sized, sea run Brown Trout are few and far between, so the crew push deeper into the wilderness. After a night of wild cooking they join guide Ian Eureaut on the Humber River, home to the biggest Atlantic Salmon on the planet.
In this episode of Hooké, Charles Cloutier and Alexis pageau fly fish for Brook Trout and hunt ducks in Quebec. As native east coast Canadians, the Charlevoix area is common ground for Charles and Alex. Joined by friends F-X Cloutier and Alexandre Rochon, they meet Robbie Esterson of Humanity Outfitters on a remote lake. Splitting up and looking for signs of fish, they notice groups of fish moving near the surface in the clear water and have great sport on the dry fly. The next day, avid Hunter Charles elects to teach Alex how to hunt and they go in pursuit of a duck for dinner. This episode illustrates the cultural significance of fishing and hunting in the beautiful land of Quebec.
In this episode, the Hooké crew visit Glazier Lake, New Bunswick to fly fish for one of the country’s most aggressive fish, the Musky. It’s late in the season, and despite cold weather, Charles Cloutier, Alexis Pageau, Daniel Despres and Marlon Prince go wild camping on the shores of the remote Lake. Already a species revered for their size and aggression, Glazier Lake has the potential for record breakers, so Dan and Marlon teach the boys how to cast the massive tackle required. Casting along the margins, they strip big lures down deep and wait for a fight.


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