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Fishing With Ladin

Meet Ladin Langeman, a larger than life and keener than mustard , fly angler from Washington State. In this series, Ladin travels through British Columbia, Washington and Montana seeking out some truly stunning fly fishing locations. Teaming up with his brother in law, Steve Ronholt the pair are equally at home fishing on rivers and lakes for both trout and salmon species. We start this series in British Columbia where the pair fish the famed Elk River and its tributaries, catching some stunning Cutthroat Trout which grow to prodigous sizes there. Down in Montana, Ladin and Steve fish on the beautiful East Gallatin and St Regis Rivers for Rainbow and Brown Trout, and in Washington, they take on some Brook Trout and Rainbow Trout in stillwaters. Always keen to tell the viewer what tactics they're employing, these two rarely fail to deliver the goods.

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Ladin kicks off the series from Michel Creek in British Columbia on a beautiful autumn day, fly fishing for Cutthroat Trout with a good chance of a Bull Trout too. As you'd expect from British Columbia the scenery is stunning with the mountains as the backdrop and the trees starting to turn into those stunning fall colours. The creek looks very fishy with open banks, fast flowing riffles, pools and glides and a perfect habitat for Cutthroat Trout. Using a small black streamer, Ladin's buddy Steve strikes first, landing a perfectly formed Cuttie after a brief fight. As they move upstream, they take it in turns to fish in the more fishy looking runs, holes and pools and Steve loses a good fish before Ladin lands another pretty Cutthroat in a likely run. Switching tactics and using an indicator set up to drift a streamer downstream produces immediate results next as Steve hooks into and lands a strong 3lb Bull Trout. Dead drifting streamers like this can really pay dividends but as they move downstream they see a couple of rising fish so quickly switch to dry flies to entice a couple more nice Cutthroat. To watch just login or join
Ladin and Steve are joined by the good friend Larry Hardie on the East Gallatin River in Montana, fly fishing for Rainbows and Brown Trout. It had rained the day before so Steve is using a San Juan worm as his top fly, and he has first success catching a nice Rainbow out of the riffle on the far bank. Larry is very pleased to catch an acrobatic Rainbow approaching 16 inches in length, he's using a Squirmy Wormy above a Pheasant Tail Nymph dropper. Then Ladin breaks his duck with a very lively Rainbow of his own. The guys enjoy a great day's fishing, slowly working their way upstream changing their fly combinations and catching a load of lively, hard fighting Trout. To watch Montana Rainbows and Brown Trout now, just login or join
Ladin and Steve are in the upper reaches of the famed Elk River in British Columbia, and fly fishing for Cutthroat Trout. After taking a brief respite from a passing storm they return for a couple of hours fishing in the evening sun. The river is fast flowing here so they start by focusing on the likely looking pools where fish should be holding. Ladin finds a nice piece of slack water where a tributary joins, drifting a dry down the seam, and is soon into a small but punchy Cuttie. Ladin and Steve move upstream where the water is quieter and they notice a good hatch of mayflies, with both spinners and duns around, so Steve tries some speculative covering of the water. In an instant, he gets a beautiful head and tail rise to his Purple Haze mayfly and a big Cutthroat is on. In fact not only is it big, but it's the biggest either Steve or Ladin have ever seen so there's huge relief when it comes to the net and they can revel in this stunning fish. They're obviously in a good area with big fish around that are confidently taking mayflies so Ladin is keen to see if he can get in on the action. It isn't long before another big fish is spotted and Ladin covers it with instant success, as the big Cutty sucks down his imitation. Surely Ladin and Steve can't both catch personal best Cutthroat Trout on the same day from the magical Elk River? To watch just login or join
Steve misses out on this trip to Montana in July, so Ladin teams up with good friend Larry Hardie to go fly fishing on the St Regis River, a small stream offering pristine waters in a stunning mountain landscape. They are targeting Cutthroats, fishing in about 3 feet of water casting doubles to a riffle on the far side. Ladin's first into a fish, but instead of a Cuttie he hooks a Whitefish, these are small trout, commonly found in the clear mountain streams of the western states of America. Next up he does hook a lovely Cutthroat, the set up he is using is a Pat's rubber legged fly with a Prince nymph as his dropper. Larry has some success with the same pattern as they slowly move upstream, dropping in and out of pools casting to the changing riffles. Ladin hooks another Whitefish, this time it's a beauty, the all tackle record for Mountain Whitefish is over 5lbs and although his nowhere near this, it's still a lovely fish. Some anglers consider Whitefish to be a bit of a pest, as it's said that for every Cutthroat you catch you have to catch 5 'Whities' and Ladin seems to be getting more than his fair share today. Larry loses what looks to be a lovely Brown Trout at the end of the day, but his disappointment is abated when he hooks a decent Rainbow with his next cast. To watch Montana Fly Fishing in Summer now, just login or join
Its August and Steve and Ladin are on a small stream, a tributary of the Elk River and hopeful for some great dry fly fishing for Cutthroat Trout. The stream here is shallow, clear, fast flowing and not very wide so perfect for knee deep wading and covering rising fish and likely looking holes and pools. Ladin starts in a nice pool and hooks up with 3 or 4 good fish but they keep dropping off so rather than continuing with the dry decides to give them another look at something and switches to a nymph. He thinks he's got one but it turns out to be a Whitefish and its turning out to be a frustrating morning. They move location and Steve strikes first landing a small Cutthroat on a Purple Haze mayfly, followed by a slightly bigger one. Moving upstream again they find a lovely pool with a steep cliff behind them. Ladin spots a small log which is stuck on the far bank and it  looks like perfect cover for a trout, so he covers the area with a dry and hooks up immediately. Finally he breaks his duck with a lovely 16 inch Cutty. There's no shortage of good fly water to try here and in the next pool Steve uses his Purple Haze again and a big 3lb Cutty sucks it down. Ladin then sweeps through the same pool using a Pheasant Tail Nymph and hooks another good fish. Working the pools like this together is a devastating tactic and so ends another memorable session on the small streams of British Columbia. To watch just login or join
Winter is coming and Ladin and Steve are back fly fishing on the Elk River in British Columbia on a brisk October morning. Conditions look promising so the pair start with Ladin using a nymph indicator set up and Steve on streamers. A few hits and misses for both anglers follow, before Ladin finally hooks up, but after a short fight the fish drops off. Steve then lands a lovely fat Cutthroat and Ladin decides to move on to using streamers too. Using a black streamer, called a Muddy Buddy, Ladin works the pool using classic down and across, swinging tactics varying the retrieve and depth. He quickly scores with a couple of lovely plump Cutties. They move downstream as the sun breaks through and find a stunning looking pool set against the backdrop of the snow peaked mountains. Once again they find success with the Muddy Buddy with Ladin landing a 20 inch, possibly 4lb Cutty. Steve then spots some fish rising in the slack water created by a fallen tree, so casts a dry into the area and is rewarded with another lovely Cutty. A fantasic session from the guys, just proving just how good the fishing on the Elk River can be in winter. To watch just login or join
Ladin and Steve are at Clark Canyon Reservoir in Montana trying to lock on to some hard fighting winter rainbow trout. Conditions look perfect despite being cold, with a light ripple and dappled sunlight on the water. There's some ice on the water so they start casting to the edge of the ice pack and retrieving their streamers with sharp 5 inch strips, varying the depth each cast to search the water column.  Ladin  gets an early hit but after a hard fight the fish manages to escape and Ladin is disappointed to say the least. But it isn't long before he has another on and this time, brings it to the net after another tough fight. A bead headed Woolly Bugger is the fly thats working best here and several more rainbows are caught. As the sun starts dropping into the Montana sky, Steve finally gets into the action, after switching to an Olive Wollly Bugger and ends up landing another stunning rainbow. This has been a great session with the guys landing rainbows up to 4lb on the Clark Canyon Reservoir, a perfect way to spend a day in midwinter if you're ever in Montana. To watch, just login or join
In this episode Ladin and Steve get to fish Wild Rose Lake on Rocky Ridge Ranch, Oregon. It's a clear crisp day in March and the guys each have their own one-man raft out on the water. The lake is stocked with Kamloops Trout, which is a strain of Rainbow, as well as Hybrids and the guys have to troll the lake before finding fish close to a reed bed in one corner. They are both using Chironomid patterns, imitating the non-biting midges that are naturally found here and on which the trout love to feed. Ladin is using a 5 weight rod with a floating line and then a combination of chironomids, a black one above a red dropper. And it's the red one that seems to be doing all the damage as both guys catch a load of good sized hard fighting fish. Its obviously a very peaceful way to enjoy a great day's fishing, topped off with the spectacular views of snow capped Mount Hood in the distance. To watch Wild Rose Lake Oregon now, just login or join
McGinnis Lake sit on the Colville Indian Reservation in Washington State and is regarded as a top Brook Trout fishery. Ladin and Steve are in a single man boats with electric outboards which are all that's needed on this smallish 115 acre lake. They're using Fish Finders and seeing that fish are 15-2oft down on the sounder, Ladin starts by using a sinking line and buoant Booby Fly, which can prove irresistible to trout as the fly rises up and down upon retrieve. He's soon rewarded with a stunning 3lb brookie which puts up quite a battle. Steve decides to try a different tactic, using a Chironomid pattern or 'Buzzer' fished static under a sight indicator on a long 18ft leader, and soon starts getting lots of action. Ladin also then switches to the indicator method and catches another nice Brookie directly under his boat.  By keeping an eye on the finder,  they can see when fish are their area, the depth they're holding and adjuct accordingly and its really paying dividends today with lots of stunningly marked Brookies coming to the net. As the thunderclouds roll in, there's still time for Ladin to catch one last Brook Trout to the deadly indicator set up, which gives him a great tussle to end the session. To watch just login or join


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