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Fishing for Kids

In Fishing for Kids, Capts. Lain and George have been asked to catch and donate some edible fish for their local school's charity Fish Fry. George is up to his usual antics in the bait shop making Lain think he's going to be spending the day with a big kid, not just fishing for them. After buying shrimp, they catch some fresh Pilchards, so are fully baited up, which pays off, as soon as they reach the reef they are straight in to fish. Plenty of Snappers and Jacks, the action is so frantic that the bait's not even reaching the bottom before its taken. Once they have filled the cool box, they head out into deeper water to try for something a bit bigger and end up with a few Yellowtails. These are taken back to Sundowners where chef Bobby Stoky grills them up a treat, whilst the kids enjoy their charity Fish Fry.

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