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Fish Guyz – Series 1

Meet Capt Lain Goodwin and Capt George Clark Jr. aka, the Fish Guyz. These experienced professional guides have teamed up to show the world some amazing fishing action from arguably, the sport fishing capital of the world, the Florida Keys. Not only are these guys great anglers, but they're also great friends and as well the fishing, you can expect a lot of banter and laughs along the way. In fact they're more like an old married couple with Lain being the tidy, organised, professional and punctual angler and George being well... lets just say a little more carefree and often more worried about where his next meal is coming from.  In fact, while many anglers judge the quality of fish caught by the universally accepted measurements of length or weight, George prefers to calculate how many fish tacos he can get out of one! But there's plenty of excellent fishing to behold here from both the flats in the Everglades for species like Snook, Speckled Sea Trout and Jack Crevalle to inshore areas where they fish for Lemon Sharks, to offshore areas for hard fighting sport fish like Amberjack. The Fish Guyz is an excellent saltwater fishing show with plenty of technique and tips and from 2 of the best guides you could find in the magical Florida Keys.

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Capt Lain spends most of his time fishing inshore and around the everglades in shallow water, so Capt George takes the lead as the pair head out in to blue water to fish Off the Edge of the reef. The coral reef of the Florida Keys is the only living reef in the US. It's huge diversity of species means there is plenty to catch, usually in 30 - 60 ft of water. It just a question of finding the right spot. At their first mark their chum attracts lots of small unwanted fish to start with including Blue Runners, then the first two decent Snappers get eaten by a large Barracuda as Lain has got them near the boat. After George loses another good fish when his hook pulls out they decide to move and its a good call as now they are into plenty of fish and seem to have lost the big predators. Yellow Jacks, Mangrove Snapper and some Black Grouper all to be taken back to eat. On the key at Sundowners, chef Bobby Stoky shows them how to cook fresh grouper goujons in a spicy breadcrumb mix. Yumm To watch Off the Edge now, just login or register
With a cold front and strong winds sweeping across the Keys, the Guyz are worried about where they are going to be able to take their next clients and successfully catch fish. They decide to recce for the day and head to the slightly more sheltered, inshore reaches of the Florida Everglades and target Lemon Sharks. These predators, that can grow to almost 3 metres in length, are at home in shallow sub tropical waters and although they are not considered a threat to humans, can give a nasty bite if you put your hand in the wrong place. Armed with freshly caught Barracuda and Mackerel as bait, the guys struggle at first. The sharks just don't seem interested in the cold morning water, but returning after lunch, they manage to hook a beauty. As Capt. Lain says 'Anytime you set out to catch a specific species of fish and you're successful, makes it a great day on the water.' To watch Lemon Sharks now, just login or register
In Fishing for Kids, Capts. Lain and George have been asked to catch and donate some edible fish for their local school's charity Fish Fry. George is up to his usual antics in the bait shop making Lain think he's going to be spending the day with a big kid, not just fishing for them. After buying shrimp, they catch some fresh Pilchards, so are fully baited up, which pays off, as soon as they reach the reef they are straight in to fish. Plenty of Snappers and Jacks, the action is so frantic that the bait's not even reaching the bottom before its taken. Once they have filled the cool box, they head out into deeper water to try for something a bit bigger and end up with a few Yellowtails. These are taken back to Sundowners where chef Bobby Stoky grills them up a treat, whilst the kids enjoy their charity Fish Fry. To watch Fishing for Kids now, just login or register
Captains Lain Goodwin and George Clark Jr, The Fish Guyz decide to visit waters that they haven't fished for a while, so head 30 minutes north for what they hope will be a Biscayne Bay Bonanza. The bay stretches for about 35 miles south of Miami and is open to the Atlantic Ocean, Lain and George are looking to fish its mangrove covered southern shoreline, broken up by many creeks and river inlets. They're targeting Tarpon and Snook but there's plenty of Snappers and Jacks hanging out in the same spots. George is more obsessed with his stomach than usual as every fish they boat, he measures by the number of Tocos it will fill. But Lain is in a Catch and Release frame of mind. The fight gets a little more exciting when George hooks the first Snook, at 7 Tacos. They then head out to some deeper water in the middle of the bay and find a shoal of Spanish Mackerel, these hard fighting, nimble fish can grow up to 40 tacos in size. After a beautiful 17 taco Red Grouper they head back to the mangroves and George digs out his old fly rod and reel to see if he can remember how to cast. He sure can and hooks the fish of the day, a small Tarpon. Not to be outdone just as they are about to head back into the sunset, Lain hooks a lovely Snook. This is released as well, much to George's disappointment, 'Boy, there's nothing better than a fish Taco'. To watch Biscayne Bay Bonanza now, just login or register
George and Lain have a guest fishing with them today and are heading around 5 miles offshore from Key Largo looking for hard fighting Amberjack.  In between a healthy bit of marital bickering, they manage to fill the live well with Blue Runners and Grunts which are ideal bait for Amberjack. As the more experienced offshore fisherman, George is playing Captain today and positions the boat on one of the many wrecks in the area and gets the guys straight onto the fish as guest angler, Bill quickly hooks and starts fighting one.  The fish here average between 30-50lb and pulling one up from over 200ft is quite a workout as Lain is also soon to find out. After an exhausting fight, Lain brings a cracking 40lb AJ to the boat and is mighty relieved that the battle is over. This just isn't a fish that you can keep on catching and Lain looks completely beat, much to George's amusment, but Bill then hooks into another large Amberjack and another hard fight ensues. This has been a great day's fishing and the guys return to the dock to enjoy a fish taco or two. To watch just login or register
Lain is on the dock early preparing the boat as today the two captains are going fishing in the Everglades, that is providing George turns up on time. As usual, the first task is to pick up a plentiful supply of bait so the pair head into a nearby bay and George sets to work with his cast net. They start by targetting some Speckled Sea Trout using soft plastic lures under a cork float and Lain hooks up pretty quickly before George hooks into a much better fish. Unfortunately George loses it and attaches all the blame to Lain for supposedly being slow to bring him the net. Sea Trout aren't the only fish on this flat and the pair soon have many Jack Crevalle around the boat and some excellent sport begins. Moving locations is key for continued sport and as soon as they do, George hooks up with a lovely Snook before Lain catches a chunky Jack Crevalle. And as the sun goes down, the fishing hots up as Lain and George take advantage of the increased fish activity in the fading light.  Having worked up quite an appetite, George and Lain head to Sundowners in Key Largo for some grilled Oysters. The Everglades offers some excellent fishing in shallow water and this episode shows why it has such a deserved reputation. To watch just login or register


5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 1 review)
Very good0%

Amazing Series

5th January 2020

Great fishing… just would be good to show us what equipment you use such as rod brands and reels and have more season loaded pls


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