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Save Our Salmon

Salmon are under threat throughout the Northern Hemisphere. This playlist showcases a number of free and premium films that look at their plight for survival.
The story of Peter Power's mission to protect the  Atlantic Salmon of Russia's Kola Peninsula. This amazing landscape is home to some enormous runs of salmon and this pioneeringn project has attracted anglers from around the world who want to experience some of the most remote and remarkable salmon fishing available to mankind. 
When settlers first arrived at Lake Ontario, they found Atlantic Salmon there in quite prodigious numbers. However by the 1890's with gross overfishing and the industrialisation of the landscape man had completely wiped them out. This film charts a modern day conservation program that is trying to re-introduce a genetically related version of the species back into the lake and its river system. It is beautifully shot and combines historical archive with testimony from scientists, conservationists and anglers, all trying to re-establish The Forgotten Salmon. To watch this video now, just login or register
Atlantic Salmon Lost at Sea is an incredible documentary which took 6 years to make and charts the progress of a major investigation into what happens to juvenile salmon once they leave the rivers and head to sea. Shot on land and in sea going vessels in several locations, the film sheds some light into why we are seeing reduced stocks of wild Atlantic Salmon and suggests some routes forward. Narrated by Hollywood actor Gabriel Byrne, this is must watch viewing for anyone concerned with the plight of salmon. To watch this film, login or register now
Of all the species of fish out there, perhaps the most iconic is the Atlantic Salmon, and much of that is down to the species remarkable lifecycle. North Atlantic Miracle – shot in the astonishing scenery and untouched scenery of western Iceland – tells these fishes’ life stories from their point of view– from vulnerable fry, hatched out of pinkish eggs hidden among the gravel of the riverbed, constantly under threat of predation, until the semi-mature fish head out to sea to feed, and their eventual return to spawn and start the process again. This affectionately shot film includes amazing scenery and underwater footage of salmon in their natural home, and highlights not only the natural dangers that salmon must overcome in order to complete the cycle and spawn, but also includes some of the most amazing fishing action we’ve seen.  
Dave McCoy is a fly fishing guide and photographer on a mission. He’s heading to the Chuitna River in Alaska – a truly wild river and one of the few remaining places on earth where people can live off the land. But the river’s pristine environment - home to countless species of salmon, plus moose, bear, eagles, and the native Tyonek people, who have relied on salmon for subsistence for centuries. But this landscape hides another highly prized resource: coal. A proposed coal mine, to be situated in the headwaters of the Chuitna and which will cut directly through and under the river, and the accompanying export terminal threaten to flood the rivers with 7million gallons of waste water per day. Dave’s mission: to draw attention to the looming ecological disaster, and to try to prevent it from happening.  
The Susitna River is the 15th largest in the USA and its watershed provides habitat for countless species, including salmon. Tourism and fishing create $200 million each year on the Susitna. The planners say that the dam is above the reach of salmon, but The Super Salmon, a tagged fish, begged to differ, completing an epic journey of 300 miles to the very headwaters of the river, dodging countless dangers and obstacles, only to swim all the way back downstream and out to sea.  
Salmon Confidential is a new film on the government cover up of what is killing British Columbia’s wild salmon. When biologist Alexandra Morton discovers BC’s wild salmon are testing positive for dangerous European salmon viruses associated with salmon farming worldwide, a chain of events is set off by the government to suppress the findings. Tracking viruses, Morton moves from courtrooms, into British Columbia’s most remote rivers, Vancouver grocery stores and sushi restaurants. The film documents Morton’s journey as she attempts to overcome government and industry roadblocks thrown in her path and works to bring critical information to the public in time to save BC’s wild salmon. The film provides surprising insight into the inner workings of government agencies, as well as rare footage of the bureaucrats tasked with managing our fish and the safety of our food supply.  
Ex newsreader and keen salmon angler, Fiona Armstrong takes the reins in the studio. To start her session, she hosts a live debate on the plight of Atlantic salmon and what can be done to help these amazing fish. Joining her on the panel is Guy Edwards from Salmon and Trout Conservation UK, Anne Woodcock from fishing booking service, Fishpal and Deidre Brennan, director/producer of a new film called Atlantic Salmon Lost at Sea. Back on location, we go back to the River Test, fly fishing with James Murray and Charles Jardine as they get into some fish. In Texas, Bubba has struck gold and rods are bending all over the boat as we get a close look at an Aligator Gar. There's no room for nets here, as ropes are used to boat these amazing fish. Hooked on Fishing presenter, Paul Young also joins Fiona in the studio. In Paris, lure surpremo has moved location in Paris to the Festival of the Marne River, to celebrate World Fishing Day. We rejoin Andy Ford on his road trip through England and find him at the Isaac Walton fishery in Staffordshire for another World Fishing day event. There's a new leader in the Carp Wars Live match, can he hold on for the win?
The River Vartry is one of Ireland's 22 protected sea trout and salmon river in Ireland, but it also supplies water to the nation's capital city. The fishing is now under threat from Irish Water's plans to reduce the flow of water leaving the reservoir, reducing the amount of water in the river and potentially destroying the fishing for ever. A group of passionate locals have made this short film to try to influence decision makers and rally support for the river.  
The Smith River, North West California: Home to steelhead, coho and chinook salmon, and cutthroat trout; and as yet undammed, unadulterated – undamaged. The banks support enormous, ancient redwoods and are a Mecca for fly fishermen. Now a proposed strip mine threatens the survival of this unique piece of natural history.  
Volcanoes, glaciers and cascading water, Iceland’s magnetic allure is irresistible for the travelling fly fisher. In this land of myths and legends nature tells it’s own epic saga. From the river of their birth, the salmon make the journey out to sea to grow strong, returning each year bringing nourishment to the land and it’s people. The pristine rivers and lakes are home to four indigenous salmonid species - Salmon, Brown Trout, Arctic Char and Sea Trout - a bounty of opportunity. This epic cinematic experience captures the passion and excitement of fly fishers exploring this unique land.  


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1st October 2019



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